About The Writer

The Chocolate Is The Life is Kerri’s first novel, available exclusively through Amazon. But instead of your bog-standard bio, why not a little Q & A instead?

Where did the inspiration for Chocolate come from?

It started as a joke based on a tattoo I had gotten in my early 20’s. No need to delve into how long ago that might have been, but it was a quote from one of my favourite novels, Dracula: The Blood is the Life. My husband wanted to cross it out with a Sharpie and write things like Coffee or Chocolate and from there, an idea was born. Interestingly enough, as often as I went to get that tattoo covered, it wasn’t until I finished the first draft that I was finally able to do it.  

So are they, like, chocolate vampires or something?

Well, you’ll have to read the book to find out, but chocolate – like vampirism in the Victorian era – is more of a metaphor. For a lot of things, actually.

How does the Clueless reference fit in?

It’s kind of an homage to one of the finest films ever made. But it particularly refers to the relationship between Frankie and Louise.

Is that your favourite movie, then?

Actually no, it isn’t. It’s in the top three but The Princess Bride is probably my favourite movie of all time, with Coppola’s version of Dracula coming in as a close second. Gary Oldman…that is all.

Finally, what’s your favourite colour?

Pink or Tiffany blue. It’s a bit of a toss up.

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